
We want you to be 100% satisfied with your Aqua Pro Vac order. If you're unhappy with the item you purchased for any reason, return it to our warehouse within 30 days of the shipment receipt for an exchange or a refund of the full purchase price. Please Note: there is a 20% Restocking Fee for returned merchandise.

Please remember, that all returned merchandise must be new (never been used) and in its original box with all the packing materials, manuals, and registration cards intact. We will not accept dirty, broken, or used products or any items in non-standard packaging.  Please use transparent packing tape when resealing the box.

You will need to enclose your order/invoice number and/or a copy of your e-mail confirmation with your return along with a memo explaining the reason for return. Please insure your item with the carrier and send the tracking number to once it ships. We will issue a full refund for the purchase price of any products you return that meet the above conditions within 3 days of receipt in our warehouse.

All items must be returned to:

Contact us for the return address, this varies based on your location.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the unlikely event that your item arrives damaged, or is missing parts, please email within 7 days of receipt with a description and photos of the damage. Unfortunately, packages can be damaged during the shipping process after leaving the warehouse. If your order arrives at your door damaged, broken or defective, we will either replace the broken parts, if possible, or ship out a new one at our discretion and completely at our expense. Please be sure to inspect your item(s) for concealed damage even if you do not plan on using it immediately and always keep all packaging until you are satisfied with your item.

Please DO NOT refuse any shipments as this limits our options in getting you a perfect item. Requests for replacement parts will be processed as quickly as possible but expect them to take 1 week to be received. Please email with your needs.

We are confident that you will be happy with your Aqua Pro Vac purchase. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you may return it to our warehouse within 30 days of the shipment receipt for an exchange or a refund of the full purchase price. Please note the following conditions:

All returned merchandise must be new (never been used) and in its original box with all the packing materials, manuals, and registration cards intact. We will not accept dirty, broken, or used products or any items in non-standard packaging. Please use transparent packing tape when resealing the box.
Enclose your order/invoice number and/or a copy of your e-mail confirmation with your return along with a memo explaining the reason for return.
Insure your item with the carrier and send the tracking number to once it ships.
Once we receive the machine back and have inspected it, we will issue a refund of any products you return that meet the above conditions within 3 days of receipt in our warehouse.

NOTE: You are liable for shipping both ways if you decide to return these products. Even though on our website we offer Free Shipping, there is no such thing as free shipping, we build the shipping into the price. If you want to return, we will work out the exact shipping costs accrued to ship the equipment out to you and deduct this from the refund. You are also responsible for paying the shipping back to us of the returned items. There is also a 20% Restocking Fee for returned merchandise.

If you have any questions or issues related to returns, please reach out to us at

You can contact us through our contact page! We will be happy to assist you.